Diskneedling can be an alternative to laser resurfacing in patients not suitable for laser treatment or wishing to have a less invasive procedure with fewer risks. Conventional treatments frequently involve expensive and highly invasive procedures like chemical peels or laser resurfacing. These procedures have sometimes offered inconsistent or disappointing results. Diskneedling is a safer alternative and improve wrinfle, acne scar, pigment and stretch mark.
Roller creates more than 500,000 channels within 5-10 minutes, deep into the epidermis of the skin, which is the main obstruction to penetration of active ingredients in the SKINCARE products can reach into the depths of the skin more effectively than by simply applying the products topically.
diskneddling creates minimal dermal damage without the removal of the healthy epiderms, which happens with other resurfacing techniques. Because the epidermis is left intact, the healing period is rapid. The more collagen can be made cinsequently allowing natural collagenesis to occur.
The microneedles penetrate the epidermis and dermis later of skin. The meedles will generate micro channels into the skin. This gives a pathwat for skin products to penetrate more easily, boosting their effectiveness massively. These channels should close up with an hour.
It is an efficacy proven product that uses strict material and quality MANAGEMENT system for real effects by applying new drug development technology. [Laboratory of Seoul National University] and [POSTECH] directly extracted, refined and enriched the core components for the product.